Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Notes 9/14- Black plague

  • The plague was in the fur of black rats and in the coats of infected fleas
  • The plague spread all over Asia and into Europe. 
  • Famine in 1315, and countless people died. 
  • It would take 6 days for the swellings to occur after the person is bitten by the flea. The immune system would be affected in just a week. If it got to the lungs, people would die after just a few days of coughing up blood. 
  • The healthy were terrified, and they abandoned the sick. 
  • Husbands even shunned their wife and parents refused contact with their children. 
  • The bigger the city, the greater the shock. 
  • In the first wave of the plague in London, 300 people died every day. 
  • The bodies were laid toward the east so that when they rose again they would be facing Jerusalem. 
  • The plague spread through wales and other nearby countries by 1359, and then went across the sea to Ireland. 
  • Those who touched the dead or the sick were immediately infected themselves. 
  • The country was laid waste, farms and villages were abandoned and deserted. 
  • after the plague, there were no more serfs. 
  • It also ate away at the sense of security from the church. 
  • Plantagenet England had not prepared for the dead to take over the space of the living. 
  • these were th tomb thingies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaver_tomb for bishops, i think or wealthy people

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