Thursday, October 28, 2010

Important Links

  • England was ruled by Kings and Monarchs
  • The Italian city states were ruled by wealthy merchant families. 

  • Oration on the dignity of man
  • In the middle ages, people followed whatever the church said and their lives were almost entirely revolving around religion. 

  • Machiavelli- People consider him to be the father of modern political science. Wrote the Prince
    • He wanted to write a book that any Prince in any of the Principalities of Italy could use to make the Principality strong again after the Italian wars. He did this so that the Principalities could make their cities strong and so he wouldn't have to deal with any of that stuff. 
  • The three most important things that princes needed to know according to Machiavelli:
    • He thought that princes should approach their relations with people form a pessimistic view of society. The prince may be betrayed or something if he as too optimistic. Machiavelli thought it was better to look at the world pessimistically. 
    • Because Human nature is selfish and greedy, a prince has to be sly and able to manipulate people, to see the ulterior motives in other people, and use situations to get his own ulterior motives through. 
    • The prince must be ruthless and pragmatic. Deal with your enemies to be able to get what you want. 
  • The Prince will most likely be on the AP exam!!!!!!!!! 

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